Sunday, October 26, 2008

Josie is in town!

Wow, I've been sitting for kids for about a week.  Em and Cait started off the weekend and went home and Josie came and stayed while her mommy and daddy were out of town.  What a lot of fun it was.  I don't get to see her often, so it was fun to really get to know her now that she is older.  She was a perfect little girl and even slept in her big girl bed while she was here.  I got a lot of ideas for Christmas for her.  It was a good thing, since I'm a doll person, I found out that she isn't yet.  Looks like cars for her.  Attached or in the next blog is a short video of Josie and Em playing with my kitchen blinds.  I was going to yell at them but they were having so much fun that it is not effective when you are laughing.  Plus the girls haven't gotten together for a long time, it was a kick seeing them play together.

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